Staff Perceptions Survey – the questions

These are the questions we ask in our Staff Perceptions survey. Additional questions can be added on request (within reason – major changes may attract a fee).


In order to segment the data we ask each respondent to specify their:

  • Age group (within 10-year bands)
  • Gender (Male/Female/Prefer not to say)
  • Duration of employment (years with the organisation)
  • Role, selected from:
    • CEO/Director/Owner/Partner
    • GM/COO
    • HR Director/Manager
    • Other senior leadership
    • Other manager/mid-level leadership
    • Team leader.

Optionally we ask each respondent to specify where in the organisation they work, using categories provided by the participating organisation.

Survey body

The survey questions have been written as concisely as possible to encourage quick, intuitive responses. Each question is presented as a statement the respondent can react to with a click, or a touch on a mobile device, to indicate a choice from 0 (no agreement at all) to 5 (complete agreement).

We separate the body of the survey into two parts, one focused on the organisation as a whole and one focused on the day-to-day work environment of the individual respondent. For smaller organisations (i.e. those that lack any meaningful internal divisions) we provide a version of the survey with all the questions bundled together.

The survey concludes with a single ‘Net Promoter Score” question that is deceptively simple but that has been shown to correlate strongly with actual employee engagement levels.

The whole-of-organisation questions

Thinking about the overall organisation please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements:

  • We have a strong sense of purpose. What this organisation does matters.
  • We have a clear vision of where we are going and what we need to do to get there.
  • We are guided by a well understood set of values.
  • People know who we are and what we stand for, and they are attracted by what they see.
  • Our distinctive culture enhances the experience of working here.
  • I am confident about this organisation’s future.

Thinking about the executive management team, please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements.

Our executive leaders:

  • Are effective communicators who tell me what I need to know in an honest and timely manner.
  • Care about the wellbeing of their employees.
  • Act in ways that are fully aligned with our organisation’s values.
  • Have my complete confidence and respect.

The day-to-day work environment questions

Thinking primarily about your current department/section/division please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements:

  • We manage our workload to consistently deliver quality outcomes without unnecessary drama.
  • We are clear about what needs to be done and who needs to do it. Things don’t fall through the cracks.
  • Our successes, both individual and collective, are acknowledged and celebrated.
  • We deliberately hire people who “fit” into our organisation’s culture.
  • Our work meetings are consistently seen as opportunities to make valuable progress.
  • Important information is both documented and easily retrieved.
  • I know what I have to do to succeed in my current role.
  • I have the resources and support I need to succeed in my current role.
  • I know that working here will enhance my career.
  • I am paid fairly for the work that I do.
  • My abilities and contributions are respected and valued.
  • My colleagues are consistently helpful and supportive toward me.
  • My colleagues are capable, committed and hard working.

Thinking primarily about the leaders in your current department/section/division (both leaders you formally report to and any other leaders whose actions otherwise impact your day-to-day work) please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements.

The leaders I regularly work with and for:

  • Challenge and inspire the people they lead.
  • Actively seek feedback from staff without being overly attached to their own ideas.
  • Put the success of the team ahead of their personal success.
  • Keep our organisational purpose and values in mind when making important decisions.
  • Are effective communicators who ensure that information flows smoothly across the organisation.
  • Are as attentive to me as I need them to be – I feel supported, not micromanaged.
  • Foster warm and caring relationships and take time to connect with people.
  • Focus on solutions rather than on allocating blame when things go wrong.
  • Are willing and able to make hard decisions and to initiate hard conversations where necessary.
  • Know how to coach people to improve their performance.

Text questions

Three short, optional, written-answer questions:

  • What about your work here do you most often rave about to your friends or your significant other?
  • What about your work here do you most often complain about to friends or your significant other?
  • What needs to be different about working here?

Overall satisfaction (Net Promoter Score)

On a scale from 0-10, how likely are you to recommend this organisation as a place to work to a friend or colleague?