Woman breaking through wall

QWomen - Women in Leadership

Confidence, self worth and excessively high, self-imposed standards are key reasons why women often do not apply for senior leadership roles.

AltusQ has developed the QWomen program to address these and other issues, to help to develop and advance women in their careers. Personal responsibility and heightened self-awareness are key program themes that underlie the development of the cornerstone leadership skills required to transition from managerial to leadership roles.

The end results is that participants are transformed, inspired and energised, knowing they have the on-going support to be women who lead, no matter what.

Return on Investment

Numerous research studies in the area of leadership capability and its impact on ROI in organisations, indicate that companies that consciously develop constructive leadership cultures perform exponentially better than those that do not.

In constructive cultures employees have shown greater commitment and motivation, teamwork and cooperation, and perform better on organisational-level indicators such as adaptability and client satisfaction.

“Encouragingly, many organisations are realising that they need to stop treating gender equality as if it is just a women’s issue. Instead, women and men must be part of the solution together – transforming norms that entrench existing gender inequalities.

…Whether male or female, the readiness of organisational leaders to personally own the case for change is essential. It is also incredibly powerful.”

Elizabeth Broderick, Sex Discrimination Commissioner

The program

"It starts with me..."

Our philosophy

“It starts with me” is one of the fundamental AltusQ philosophies.

Lots of things are tough, but change is not made without complete commitment to the possibility of who you might become and what you can achieve.

AltusQ can show how this is possible through the QWomen program.

Who would benefit?

  • Female managers with a skill gap or who want to improve management/leadership skills
  • Organisations who want to increase their talent pipeline for those women moving from management to leadership
  • Women identified through talent programs or succession plans
  • Women currently in team management or supervisory roles (1 to 10 years management experience recommended).

“We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that creates them.”

Albert Einstein

A flexible program

The program can be tailored to suit any organisation, from four, half day workshops to lunch time or full day modules.

We generally kickstart this design process with a workshop for all stakeholders – male and female – to convert them to ‘QWomen ‘champions’. This requires them to understand the potential behavioural changes required of them to ensure the program’s success.

Pragmatic delivery approach

All modules leverage a coaching based approach that blends the theoretical with practical, ‘real world’ skills, delivered in an engaging and experiential learning environment.

The power of the program is strengthened by the continuation of ongoing coaching or mentoring, to reinforce the learnings and support the women in their careers.

Our measure of success is the ongoing endorsement and advancement of our programs’ past participants.

Contact us to discuss how we can partner with you to address key areas identified as crucial in the successful, forward advancement of women in the work place.


Client feedback

Kerrie Mieszkuc

General Manager, The JourneyMasters

“I was always lacking confidence in my managerial skills. I had been given the GM title with no real guidance or expectations and I often felt that I wasn’t deserving of the title. Throughout the last six months my mentor has given me many tools to be able to be the GM that I want to be. It wasn’t an easy journey – it’s hard to be so introspective. It’s hard to ask yourself tough questions and hard to admit certain weaknesses, but that was all part of the journey and my growth."

Jo Flowerdew

Director, Smart Alliance

“Coaching with AltusQ has changed my life. I started coaching with my career in construction in mind, but quickly discovered that it not only helped me to be the leader that I wanted to be in my work environ- ment but also the leader that I wanted to be at home with my kids!”

Nicole Moody

GM Corporate Travel

“Through our work with AltusQ to evaluate and reposition our business, each member of our leadership team now has strong buy-in to the business vision. While this has been a lot of hard work, it doesn’t feel so because we all come away feeling energised and excited about the future. One of the best things about working with AltusQ – and there have been many – is the coach’s ability to ask exactly the right questions, at the right time; our coach had a way of keeping everything crystal clear."

Kylie Dinwoodie

Director Private Banking, Bankwest

“I look back at how far I have come from when I first started my coaching sessions, to where I am now. The changes I have made are now embedded, and I’m really enjoying my renewed confidence levels. I am on the brink of securing a new role, one which I truly thought out of reach, and I can now see exactly where I want to be and what I want to achieve over the next 12 months.”

Elaine Brody

Client Services Manager, Reckon

“As a female in a male dominated industry, coaching has provided me with the strength and courage to succeed, grow and tackle my fears in a variety of difficult situations. It has also given me the professional edge in presenting myself as a strong female leader who is open, honest and authentic. I would recommend coaching to any female who wishes to progress and take on the roles our male counterparts often hold."

Mary Clark

Director, PRA

“Good teachers know if you want to truly understand something, try explaining it to someone else. My coach is a tremendous communicator. Her ability to cut through the noise and get to the core issues really shifts the conversation to achieve a better outcome. Building insight that sustains change on a deep level is very empowering.”